Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project Candy Cane, an Inspiration to Many.

Project Candy Cane, a Mulberry Library service project, inspired many in Mulberry and surrounding areas.
Over 140 patrons and children of Mulberry came together during the month of December to decorate candy canes for those in need over Christmas.
Patrons worked together at the library to decorate the candy canes. Children from the preschools, Just For Kids Phase One and Two also worked diligently to help finish over 200 decorated labels and candy canes getting them ready for Mulberry Community Service Center's food baskets.
Canned goods were given to the needy December 20th at the First United Methodist Church of Mulberry and with them went the decorated candies. Families who otherwise would have gone without on Christmas had the gifting of a nice meal as well as the encouragement from local preschoolers and homeschooled students.
The labels listed the names and ages of those who decorated. The children who participated in Project Candy Cane said they hoped to give the only gift they could, their love, to families who were in need of Christmas dinner.
One patron called the library after receiving her food basket and candy cane expressing her heart-felt thanks for a 4-year-old's candy cane with her sweet words and beautiful artwork. That was all the encouragement we needed to repeat this project next year.