Friday, July 17, 2009

BE CREATIVE @ Mulberry Library!

Our summer program is in full swing and we are looking for you to come down and join us! We have a lot planned for the summer and we want you to be here too! Have you been reading just for fun? Well, now all that time you've spent reading fun novels can be put to good use! Win prizes! Come down to our library and we'll sign you up for the summer reading program, better hurry though, it's almost over! Every week you read, you can win the prize designated for that week! Also, the more you read, the more you win! Each week we put your name into a special drawing to win a prize if you read. You can also win a special prize at the end of summer if you read the most books! We are looking for our summer kids who love to read! Come and join us for all the good times this summer @ Mulberry Library!