Thursday, November 18, 2010

Delicious Traditions

Let us be your holiday host as we share our recipes with you and you share your recipes with our Mulberry Library families. We want your favorite holiday treats to be a part of our Holiday Blog! So break out the cookware, mix up some delicious goodies and maybe find a few new traditions to add to your recipe box. The more the tastier! What are you waiting for?
And, by the way, the recipes we love will be added to our Ebook of Mulberry Library's Family Christmas Recipes!
Please use the comment section below to enter in your name and recipe and why your recipe stands out in the crowd of your family's table.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome to our New Youth Librarian

If you haven't been by the library you have missing out! We have a new children's/youth Librarian and her name is Sofia Simpson. She is fun, exciting and high energy. Preschool story time is booming with fun, laughs and crafts. Come join Sofie's Corner every Wednesday @ 10:30 and connect with other local preschoolers in our area.