Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project Candy Cane, an Inspiration to Many.

Project Candy Cane, a Mulberry Library service project, inspired many in Mulberry and surrounding areas.
Over 140 patrons and children of Mulberry came together during the month of December to decorate candy canes for those in need over Christmas.
Patrons worked together at the library to decorate the candy canes. Children from the preschools, Just For Kids Phase One and Two also worked diligently to help finish over 200 decorated labels and candy canes getting them ready for Mulberry Community Service Center's food baskets.
Canned goods were given to the needy December 20th at the First United Methodist Church of Mulberry and with them went the decorated candies. Families who otherwise would have gone without on Christmas had the gifting of a nice meal as well as the encouragement from local preschoolers and homeschooled students.
The labels listed the names and ages of those who decorated. The children who participated in Project Candy Cane said they hoped to give the only gift they could, their love, to families who were in need of Christmas dinner.
One patron called the library after receiving her food basket and candy cane expressing her heart-felt thanks for a 4-year-old's candy cane with her sweet words and beautiful artwork. That was all the encouragement we needed to repeat this project next year.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Bash for 5-13-yr-olds and Spooky Stories for Teens, 14-18! Read for details!

It's that time of year where kids and adults alike dream up all kinds of crazy outfits and go out in public as heroes, maids, dead people, very alive and creepy-crawly bugs, princesses, beasts, cute puppies, scary puppies, the possibilities are endless, the so are the costumes!

Should you like to enter your child's wonderful, one-of-a-kind costume showing off how adorable they are, (It does need to be adorable, and NOT scary) bring them to our Halloween Bash, Monday, October 31st from 3:30-4:30!

We are having a Non-scary costume contest and games galor for the kiddies that will entertain them to their heart's delight! Call the library to register them, 425-3246.

For teens, they are in for a spooky treat with our Spooky Stories event, tomorrow, Thursday, October 27th from 5:30-6:30. A character from a classic scary movie will be telling ghost stories that may or may not have happened.

Tell your teen to come prepared for a great night of edge-of-your-seat fun!

Please call to register the number of teens coming...425-3246

See you there!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lego Club, Tween and Teen Time, Knooking, Oh my!!!

We at the library are proud to announce several wonderful classes and clubs that are going to be offered in the fall. Feel free to brouse around our Google Calendar, which anyone with Internet access can view. The following is the link:

Once in the Google Calendar, click on any event and read the descriptions.

We will be having Lego Club for elementary-age students, Tween and Teen Time and Knooking for all ages and we will also be continuing our preschool story time, Ms. Sofie's Corner.

Call the library for more information, 425-3246.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jiggleman and West Puppets Coming Soon!!!

Attention one and all!! We have some amazing performers coming to perform for the Mulberry Library!!! They both will be performing at the Mulberry Civic Center, 901 NE 5th Street, Mulberry, FL 33860.

To our utter delight, Friday, July 22nd at 10:30 a.m., Jonathon West with West Puppets will be performing a marionette puppet show at the Mulberry Civic Center. We can't wait to see his magic with marionette puppets!

And, coming Wednesday, July 27th at 10:00 a.m., prepare your minds for Jiggleman! He has been on the David Letterman show eight times, so we are thrilled to have his show visit Mulberry (in the Mulberry Civic Center).

Call the library with any questions, these shows are for all ages, so come one, come all!!!


Monday, June 13, 2011










Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie’s Corner 10:30


Teen Advisory Board Meeting 3:30










Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie’s Corner 10:30







Elementary-Age Craft

Ages 6-9

1 p.m.


Movie Day

3 p.m.


Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie’s Corner 10:30

16 Tween Activity

Ages 10-13

2 p.m.

Teen Time

Ages 14-18

4 p.m.


Summer KickOff Global Adventure Party

1 p.m.





Elementary-Age Craft

Ages 6-9

1 p.m.


Movie Day

3 p.m.


Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie’s Corner 10:30

23 Tween Activity

Ages 10-13

2 p.m.

Teen Time

Ages 14-18

4 p.m.


Cracker Tales

Linda Chancey, Guest Storyteller

1-2 p.m.





Elementary-Age Craft

Ages 6-9

1 p.m.


Movie Day

3 p.m.


Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie’s Corner 10:30

30 Tween Activity

Ages 10-13

2 p.m.

Teen Time

Ages 14-18

4 p.m.


Drum Magic

Jana Broder

Time: 1-2 p.m.

Teens Researched 1,347 Books for an AR Project!

Congratulations to our T.A.B. (Teen Advisory Board) members for researching and cataloging 1,347 books in our Children's room in a three-week time period!

The board has taken on the project to research and label AR points and reading levels on all of the children books.

This is a daunting task, but they are up for it! So, much so that they competed against each other in teams to see which team could research the most books.

So in their spare time, they came in to work on this project. And we are ready to announce the winners of their contest!

Branden and Durante won with a dramatic finish when they researched a combined total of 561 books!

Great job to Branden and Durante! But, every member who competed did an incredible job by helping the library reach our goal of completing this project by the end of the summer!

We are hoping to aid the schools in the quest of having students read in and out of school.

By labeling the AR points in our library, kids can check out our books and know immediately the reading level of the book and the potential AR points they can earn at school.

Even though they cannot take the AR tests at our library, we can help them by letting them know what AR books we have. They can then complete the tests at school after reading at home.

If you know of any teens in 9th grade and up who would like to participate in this AR project and earn community service hours by joining the Teen Advisory Board, please contact Sofia Simpson at 425-3246.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Preschool Story Time, Ms. Sofie's Corner

Ms. Sofie's Corner, our preschool story time, meets Wednesdays at 10:30. We have a wonderful time reading stories and singing songs with our puppet friend, Freddie the Frog. Come and join our silliness and other such fun this week.

Also, Ms. Sofie would like to thank the children and parents who are already a part of Ms. Sofie' s Corner. She enjoys every minute of it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Book Character Day!

We are excited to announce a great event coming up, called Character Day! Tuesday, May 3rd, we are celebrating Children Book Week by hosting a friendly and fun contest.

We invite kids, K-5th grade, to come to the library dressed as their favorite book character. The best costume will win a prize worthy of their creativity.

So, read your favorite books again and become inspired to come dressed to impress!

The event will be Tuesday, May 3rd, from 3:30 to 4:30 in our Childrens Room.

Ms. Sofia, our Children's librarian, has agreed to come dressed in her favorite book character's attire, can you guess who it will be?

Please call the library at 425-3246 to sign your child up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Mulberry Library is proud to introduce our new Teen Advisory Board! Made up of local teens, they have made it their mission to help the library bring in fun teen events. Calling themselves, T.A.B., they consider themselves 99% kid and 1% teen.

Please welcome our new awesome members and we look forward to welcoming more. They have been hard at work with our first scheduled event, the Wii Team Extreme.

In this event, teens will be playing against each other in Wii Bowling until every team has been eliminated except for one. That team will be the winner of the event and can claim all bragging rights.

Teens, bring a friend as it is a team event, with two to a team.

We look forward to a great event!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Over 1,000 books read in our Reading Contest!

We are very proud to announce these results to our month-long reading contest! What an accomplishment to our young readers who read to their heart's content and more to get in as many tickets as possible. Each book they checked out received one ticket, so when we tallied our tickets, we were thrilled to see over 1,000 books had been read in one month! So, congratulations young readers and we look forward to our next reading contest in the summer! Keep reading!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Love Your Library Video Contest

If you are between the ages of 13-18, the American Library Association is hosting a video contest just for you!
Go the link listed below for instructions, but the contest is easy to enter!
After mailing in an entry, record a video, post it on YouTube with the right tag (the link below explains this), and wait to see if you win!
Explain in the video why you love your library in your own words and with your own twist. Have fun! The deadline for this video and mailed-in entry is April 18th.

Winners will receive a 50$ bookseller gift card and money to go toward their favorite library!

Check it out on:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Teen Online Scavenger Hunt

A teen scavenger hunt has been set loose, Monday, February 28th! Teens or parents of teens, pick up the list at the Mulberry Library and turn it in by March 12th. You will be entered to win a prize, and who doesn't love to be rewarded for honest, fun work? So, come in, pick up your scavenger hunt list, fill it out and bring it back in for your chance to win!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A children's book illustrator is visiting our library!

Welcome Mollie Simpson, a local illustrator of Those Silly Sisters, Swimming in the Rain! March 9th at 10:30, preschoolers can enjoy Mollie reading her story and also showing them some pre-published work! She is busy working on Those Silly Sisters, Comfy Cozy Tea Party and has agreed to bring examples of her new work with her! So, come and enjoy this day with Ms. Mollie at Ms. Sofie's Corner in the library.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Website Design Contest

Teen Website Design Contest!

Calling all teens! This is your chance to shine your web talents. :)

We are asking for the following information to be included:
-Identification (name, school name, organization)
-About you page (or group)
-Book Review (s) At least one book review
-Author Highlight (s) At least one.
-Favorite Book List

Due by: March 7th

Email the finished link to: simpsons@mypclc.org

Any questions, please call the library at 425-3246 and ask to speak to Sofia Simpson, the Youth Services Librarian

Friday, January 21, 2011

Homeschool Writing Class

Homeschoolers! Would you like to write right? Well then, sign up for our Writing Class; we are offering it every fourth Thursday of the month, starting this month. Call 425-3246 to sign up and find out the requirements needed to take the class. Seating is limited, so be sure to call soon!

Lego Club

We will be having lots of leg fun for first graders and up! Join us every second Tuesday of the month, starting in February. Or first meeting is February 8th, but make sure to call us at 425-3246 to sign your child up. Seating for this club is limited, so be sure to call soon!

Book Sale!

The Friends of the Mulberry Library is sponsoring a book sale to benefit our Library Building Fund! Many donated books will be for sale February 11th and 12th at the Mulberry Civic Center, 901 NE 5th Street. Hours for the sale are Friday, Feb.11th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, Feb.12th, from 9a.m. to noon.

A Brunch That Benefits the Library!

The morning of February 10th is a day to mark on your calendars...Grits 'n' Stuff Café, 211 NW 1st Ave, is hosting a fundraiser for our library. They will be cooking up a yummy brunch buffet and the proceeds will go toward the Mulberry Library Building Fund. So, please bring you and your friends or family to this tasty event! It will be Thursday, Feb. 10th from 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Tickets are available at the library or you can get your ticket at the door. See you there!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We need your reviews!

We need the inner critic in you! If you are interested in reviewing books on the New York Times bestselling list, please contact Sofia Simpson at 863-425-3246 or by email at simpsons@mypclc.org. Reviews will be posted on our upcoming website.