Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Teen Advisory Board is not a Circus, but it IS Full of Talent

You heard right, Teen Advisory Board is not a group of performers pretending to awe you with their awesomness. This group of students want to make a difference, in their communities, homes and in their own lives.

And I know they will.

These teens love encouragement, (which teen doesn't?) need counsel, but sometimes don't know how to ask (who can relate to that?? As a former teen, me!!) and want to be heard
 (point said...teens need to know someone is listening). 

But, not only that, they are brimming full of ideas. I just have to ask and I get a room full of teens bursting at the seams to tell me their take and 
how to make it happen.

And I love every minute of it.

If you are a teen and have time after school to spare or are a parent or aunt, uncle, grandmother/grandfather, neighbor, 1st cousin or whatever relation to a TEEN, please give them the wonderful advice of sitting in on a 
Teen Advisory Board meeting.

It is every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 2:30 pm at the Mulberry Public Library, we will be here and teens will be too with their lights blinking on and off with questions, ideas, comments, and plain teen talk. Join us. You will love it.

There is only one thing to bring to the meeting!
Your light.

~Ms. Sofia, 
Teen Librarian/Assistant Director

Friday, May 15, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mulberry Library Celebrates Heroes this Summer!

For the Mulberry Library's Summer Program, Every Hero has a Story, local Police Officers, EMT's, Firefighters, Smokey the Bear, Spiderman and more will be helping us celebrate Local Heroes!

Our Annual Summer Reading Program will be in full swing as well, where kids, teenagers and adults will be documenting every book they read to win fun, weekly prizes from great restaurants and local attractions.

From children to adults, we hope everyone will realize their potential to become Heroes as our Summer Program goes into full swing starting in June.

Our Summer Calendar will be up soon, so please check our website, or our Facebook page, for updated information on our Summer Program.

See you at the Mulberry Library!

Mulberry Library Staff

Summer Reading 2015

Getting ready for your Summer Reading? We've got some great programs planned!
Take a look at what's coming up and stay tuned for more information as we get closer to June!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our New Library!

That's right, we have finally moved to our new location and we are up and running.

The first couple of weeks were hard, but there's so much more to offer now that we are in our new location.

Our computers are operating with Windows 8 and are touch screen.

We have two silent tutor rooms available for all patrons looking for an area of quiet study.

Our teen room is coming along nicely and houses a safe place for teens to hang out.

The kid's room is nothing but fun! With computers with games, reading chairs and more!

The conference room is available to be rented for meetings, movies, and more!

Our program schedule is picking up and we're getting ready for the 2015 Summer Reading Program. Check the website and Facebook for more information about upcoming programs!

Make sure to look up our new hours as well:

Monday                       9:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday                      9:00am-7:00pm
Wednesday                 9:00am-6:00pm
Thursday                     9:00am-7:00pm
Friday                          9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday                    10:00am-3:00pm
Sunday                                      Closed

Stop by and see the new and improved library!

905 NE 5th Street
Mulberry, FL 33860