Monday, February 28, 2011

Teen Online Scavenger Hunt

A teen scavenger hunt has been set loose, Monday, February 28th! Teens or parents of teens, pick up the list at the Mulberry Library and turn it in by March 12th. You will be entered to win a prize, and who doesn't love to be rewarded for honest, fun work? So, come in, pick up your scavenger hunt list, fill it out and bring it back in for your chance to win!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A children's book illustrator is visiting our library!

Welcome Mollie Simpson, a local illustrator of Those Silly Sisters, Swimming in the Rain! March 9th at 10:30, preschoolers can enjoy Mollie reading her story and also showing them some pre-published work! She is busy working on Those Silly Sisters, Comfy Cozy Tea Party and has agreed to bring examples of her new work with her! So, come and enjoy this day with Ms. Mollie at Ms. Sofie's Corner in the library.